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Upgrading to Version 5.0

What are the things to consider when you upgrade to Version 5.0?


Chronolator Documents

Chronolator Documents created by all versions released to date are fully compatible with each other - you can import Chronolator documents from one version into another. The resulting document will be at the level of the importing document.

There is no need to upgrade Chronolator documents you have already created unless you want to use the features in the new version. If that is the case, use the Conversion Tool (chronolator-conversion-tool.docm in the Chronology Setup folder).

Online Workbench licence

Version 5.0 licences are in the same format as Version 4.0, so you can use your 4.0 licence with 5.0.

Recommended procedure

We recommend that you put the new version into a different set of folders from your old version. Doing this will prevent any chance of losing any changes you might have made to the Master Chronology (though you will need to re-apply these to the new version).

After you have unzipped the downloaded files into the new folders, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy your new licence into the 'ChronologySetup' folder containing the Online Workbench;
  2. If you had customised the text in the Master Chronology, copy your changes into the new one.

    From Version 4.0, this text is in ChronolatorMasterChronologyText.docx. In earlier versions, it was in ChronolatorMasterChronology.docm.

Digital Signature

Chronolator Version 5.0 macros are signed with a new digital signature. If you made Berrick Computing Ltd a Trusted Publisher in 4.0, you will need to do so again in Version 5.0.

See 'Making Berrick Computing Ltd a Trusted Publisher' in Microsoft Word Macros for details.

Release History

The release history page describes the differences between releases.

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